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This special edition of COPS is written on location with the stallions and mares of law enforcement. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to I'll Always be Here for You

A budding love, a new family.

Rescued from her horrible parents by Twilight and Rainbow, Scootaloo begins a long journey of recovery from the years of mental and physical abuse. Now Rainbow’s and Twilight’s adopted daughter, she looks forward to what the future has in store for her. However, Scootaloo's happiness and her life are at risk now that her parents have escaped from prison, fully intent on revenge.

Meanwhile, Rainbow and Twilight try to make their relationship work as they face the difficulties of raising a filly together. To accomplish their dream of a happy family, they all must face numerous challenges that will test the strength of their love and friendship.

Chapters (30)

Exchanging gifts on Hearth's Warming has always brought ponies together and as it turns out, Big Macintosh and Marble Pie are about to learn this lesson first-hoof.

Many thanks to California Angel for the beautiful fanart used in the cover image.

Chapters (1)

The Pies are actually very sweet ponies once you get to know them, and Limestone Pie is no exception. Unfortunately, the Apples didn't have a chance to really get to know Limestone. So as the early Hearth's Warming party winds down, she decides to rectify that by showing Applejack her less-abrasive side.

My mini-epilogue to the episode Hearthbreakers.

Chapters (1)

After the events of the first Apple/Pie Hearth's Warming celebration, two ponies wish to spend a little time getting to know each other better.

Chapters (1)

Editors: Fire Starter, Alcatraz, and Neko Majin C (Recently: Seven Fates)
Additional Story tags: Clarke's 3 Laws (More specifically 1 & 3)
Cover Artist: PosionSt

In the year 2036 an asteroid dubbed "Apophis" struck the Earth and contaminated fifty percent of its water and atmosphere with an extraterrestrial pathogen dubbed "The SOL Strain." After two years, sixty percent of all human life was gone! With the world's governments struggling to keep their countries together; all seemed lost.

That is where my story begins.

My name is Chloe Cooper and I'm the only known human to be genetically immune to the SOL Virus. During the pandemic, I volunteered myself for experimentation. In order to keep me safe, I and three other humans were locked away in a vault deep within the Appalachian mountains. There these people, who I soon considered my friends, ran many tests on me and the virus, however after months without contact from above it was time to put the project to rest.

Cryostasis pods dubbed: "Cocoons" had been built in case we failed. 16,000 years later I awoke to sirens, signaling a whole host of problems.

And now? I'm the last of my kind.

Character tags will be updated depending on where the story goes

Chapters (25)

How much can change in a hundred years? How much can change in a thousand? The day of the Nightmare’s defeat Princess Luna finds herself adrift, a thousand years away from the world she knew. With her home in ruins and Equestria changed beyond all recognition, is there anything left for her when even apples are strange?

Winner of August's Write-off! - Distant Shores

With thanks to JCatt and Lord of Dorkness for their help pre-reading.

Chapters (1)

Ponyville is enjoying its biggest cute-ceanera in years; a triple celebration for the Cutie Mark Crusaders. But while the party continues in town, back at Sweet Apple Acres two other members of the Apple clan find themselves turning their thoughts to the past. To ponies who aren't here to share in the joy of this incredible day.

Cover art and inspiration for this story drawn by Storm Blaze! http://stormblaze-pegasus.deviantart.com/ Art used with kind permission. :)

Chapters (1)

After standing up against her mother, Diamond Tiara has finally turned over a new leaf. Most of the class has forgiven her for her past behavior, and things seem to be moving on towards a brighter future.

However, she still feels guilty about the way she treated three particular ponies.

It's time to apologize.

Chapters (1)

Sunset has had the same jacket ever since she came to Canterlot High. Rarity and the girls want to treat her to some new clothes, but some things are too important to be replaced.

Chapters (1)